
Corinne Grace
1 min readFeb 5, 2021

Something no one takes.

Look around. Look at the state of our government, our higher-ups, our own families.

Look at our children, deceiving their teachers because they don’t have their homework. You know the phrases.

“I left it at home.” “I forgot to submit it.” “I don’t know where it is.”

They didn’t do it.

Look at our government, how every politician makes empty promises and plasters on fake smiles to get our attention.

When they don’t follow through, do we question it?

Look at our higher-ups, the CEO’s and directors of the world. They work so hard to get to their position for what?

They pass off the responsibility to someone else.

It’s everywhere if we look. But do we? Are we too afraid to even observe, for fear of what we’ll see?

Every day, at school, I see some sort of joking brawl between two egotistical 8th grade boys. Nobody questions, no one intervenes. Not even an adult. And this is supposed to be one of the best schools in the state.

I’ve seen a guy throw a brick at another guy’s head. His ear was bleeding.

But the adult? AWOL.

And did the adult face repercussions? Nope!

Accountability. A foreign term with foreign value. Like using American currency in China.

Nobody keeps their promises. Most of the time no one even tries.



Corinne Grace

Hey! I'm a student at Madeira City Schools that like to write for fun. I mostly write slam poems, so be ready for a breakthrough! I hope you enjoy my writing!